作者:小V(Mini V) 2022年12月09日 星期五
英文来源:网络;中文来源:VOAEC.COM 翻译整理
中阿合作 China-Arab cooperation
中阿合作论坛(CASCF) China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF)
海湾合作委员会(简称海合会,Gulf Cooperation Council--GCC)全称海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会,是中东地区重要区域性组织。
弘扬我们的传统友谊 carry forward our traditional friendship
小V拓展:弘扬千年友谊 Carrying Forward Our Millennia-old Friendship开创新时代 usher in a new era
小V拓展:usher in 迎来,引入,再如成语:bid farewell to the old and usher in the new 辞旧迎新;其中的 bid farewell to 是“告别;拜别”的意思。历史悠久的友谊 a time-honored friendship
小V拓展:China and Arab countries enjoy/share a time-honored friendship. 中阿人民之间的传统友谊源远流长。共谋合作发展 seek cooperation and development
小V拓展:求同存异seek common ground while reserving differences.实现互利共赢 achieve mutual benefit and win-win results
丝绸之路 Silk Road
小V拓展:the land Silk Road陆地丝绸之路
中阿命运共同体 a China-Arab community with a shared future
小V拓展:关于命运共同体这个词有很多种变体,如:community of common future,community of shared future,community with a shared future,community of common destiny,community of shared destiny。
中阿战略伙伴关系 China-Arab strategic partnership
全面战略伙伴关系 comprehensive strategic partnership
把中阿战略伙伴关系提升到更高水平 elevate China-Arab strategic partnership to a higher level
加强团结与合作 strengthen solidarity and cooperation
双边合作 bilateral cooperation
勘探开发合作cooperation in exploration and exploitation
新时代的中阿合作 China-Arab cooperation in new era
参与互鉴(参与和相互学习) engagement and mutual learning
共同维护国际公平正义 jointly upholding international fairness and justice
反对外部干涉oppose external interference
勇敢地面对强权政治和高压手段 stand up to power politics and high-handedness
鼓励包容和相互学习 encourages inclusiveness and mutual learning
发展成就显著 scored remarkable achievements in development
同甘共苦的好兄弟 good brothers sharing weal and woe
其中weal指福,woe指祸,weal and woe指“祸和福、吉和凶、幸和不幸”。
在广度和深度上 in both breadth and depth
全面合作、共同发展 comprehensive cooperation and common development
维护核心利益国家主权 safeguarding its core interests and upholding sovereignty
高举不干涉内政旗帜 hold high the banner of non-interference in internal affairs
相互欣赏和启发 mutual appreciation and inspiration
取得显著进展 achieve remarkable progress
获得动力 gain momentum
加深互信 deepen mutual trust
多方面的能源合作 multi-faceted energy cooperation
深化和充实各领域务实合作 deepen and substantiate practical cooperation in all areas
共同践行真正的多边主义 jointly practice true multilateralism
中东 the Middle East
中东国家the Middle Eastern country
反恐怖主义 counter-terrorism
扩大双边人文交流 expand bilateral people-to-people exchanges
化学工程和采矿业 chemical engineering and mining sectors
促进能源和粮食安全合作 boost cooperation in energy and food security
荣誉博士学位 honorary doctoral degree
对…进行国事访问 pay a state visit to
受到隆重而热烈的欢迎 received a grand and warm welcome
取得了丰硕的成果 yielded fruitful results
规模最大、级别最高的外交活动 the largest and highest-level diplomatic event
划时代的里程碑 an epoch-making milestone
国际社会 the international community
持续的势头 ongoing momentum
无限的视野 unlimited horizons
战略框架 strategic framework
外交部发言人 foreign ministry spokesperson
亚太经济合作组织领导人会议 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting
巨大的发展机会 immense development opportunities
绿色议程 greener agendas
全新的选择 brand-new options
仪仗队 the guard of honor
深刻而复杂的变化 profound and complex changes
提高贸易水平 level up trade
在国际和地区事务中发挥更大作用 playing a bigger role in international and regional affairs
里程碑事件 milestone events
全面战略合作伙伴 comprehensive strategic cooperative partner
强劲增长 robust growth
协同创新Collaborative innovation
能源转型 energy transition
发展可再生能源 developing renewable energy
清洁能源解决方案 clean-energy solutions
海平面上升rising sea levels
极端热浪 extreme heat waves
阿联酋气候会议 Emirates Climate Conference
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