


作者:小V(Mini V) 2023年11月22日 星期三





两国元首 the two heads of state

最突出的问题 the most prominent issues

指导原则 guiding principles

正确认识对方 developing a correct understanding of each other

妥善处理分歧 properly managing difference

加强对话与合作 strengthening dialogue and cooperation

学英语,上 VOA英语城

两国共同努力的方向 the direction of joint efforts between the two countries

历史上大国之间的冲突 the conflicts between major countries in history

促进和加强双边对话与合作 promote and strengthen bilateral dialogue and cooperation

缉毒合作工作组 working group on counternarcotics cooperation


积极、全面和建设性的峰会 a positive, comprehensive and constructive summit

坦率、深入地交换意见 candid and in-depth exchange of views

关于战略性和全局性关键问题 on strategic and overarching issues critical

增信释疑(增进信任,消除疑虑) increase trust and dispel doubts

管控分歧,拓展合作 manage differences and expand cooperation

注入确定性、提升稳定性 inject certainty into and enhance stability of

动荡变革的世界 a volatile and changing world

注入确定性、提升稳定性 inject certainty into and enhance stability of

为动荡变革的世界注入确定性、提升稳定性 inject certainty into and enhance stability of a volatile and changing world

具有战略意义、历史性意义和具有指导意义的会议 a meeting as strategic, historic, and one that provides stewardship

紧要关头 a critical juncture

国际社会 the international community

最突出的问题 the most prominent issues

指导原则 guiding principles

妥善处理分歧 properly managing differences

加强对话与合作 strengthening dialogue and cooperation

明确了他们共同肩负的大国责任 clarified their shared responsibilities as major countries

健康、稳定、可持续发展 the sound, stable and sustainable development

为实现……指明了方向,规划了蓝图 mapped out the direction and blueprint for ...

为实现中美关系的健康、稳定、可持续发展指明了方向,规划了蓝图 mapped out the direction and blueprint for the sound, stable and sustainable development of China-U.S. relations

学英语,上 VOA英语城


对世界和平与繁荣的巨大贡献 a huge contribution to world peace and prosperity

经历一个世纪以来从未有过的深刻变化 undergoing profound changes unseen in a century

携手应对全球挑战 join hands to meet global challenges

促进全球安全与繁荣 promote global security and prosperity

抱持零和思维 cling to the zero-sum mentality

挑动阵营对立 provoke rivalry and confrontation

让世界走向动荡和分裂 drive the world toward turmoil and division

一个稳定和发展的中国 a stable and developing China

符合美国和世界的利益 serves the interests of the United States and the world

为安全和经济提供平衡 provide a balance for security and economy

在日益不确定和复杂的世界中 in an increasingly uncertain and complex world

必须维护的利益 interests that must be safeguarded

必须坚持的原则 principles that must be upheld

分歧不应成为鸿沟 disagreements should not be a chasm

搭建桥梁 build bridges

Building more bridges instead of walls between people can make your friends closer.


帮助他们走向彼此to help them walk toward each other

互利合作 mutually beneficial cooperation

诸多领域存在广泛共同利益 broad common interests in a wide range of areas


新兴领域 emerging areas

保持他们的倡议相互开放 keep their initiatives open to each other

协调和连接,以发挥协同作用 coordinate and connect them for synergy

造福世界(使世界受益) benefit the world

人文交流 people-to-people exchanges

减少负面因素 reduce negative factors

减少阻碍此类交流的负面因素 reduce negative factors that hinder such exchanges

巩固基础 consolidate the foundation for

中美关系健康发展 the healthy development of China-U.S. relations

学英语,上 VOA英语城

台湾问题 Taiwan question

出口管制 export control

投资审查 investment screening

单边制裁 unilateral sanctions

严重损害了中国的合法利益 seriously undermine China's legitimate interests

注意到 noting that

It's worth noting that the boy in Mini V's class has made significant progress.


中国的发展是由创新驱动的 China's development is driven by innovation

阻碍中国科技进步 stifling China's technological progress

抑制、阻止 contain

手段、措施 move

遏制中国高质量发展的举措 a move to contain China's high-quality development

剥夺中国人民的发展权 deprive the Chinese people of their right to development

促进和加强双边对话与合作 promote and strengthen bilateral dialogue and cooperation


反对、抵制 counter

麻醉品(麻醉剂) narcotics

缉毒 counternarcotics

缉毒合作工作组 a working group on counternarcotics cooperation

在……的基础上 on the basis of

在平等和尊重的基础上 on the basis of equality and respect

两军之间的高层交流 high-level communication between the two militaries

中美海上军事安全磋商机制会议 the China-U.S. Military Maritime Consultative Agreement meetings

开展中美两军战区领导通话 conduct telephone conversations between theater commanders

两军之间的高层交流 high-level communication between the two militaries

中美海上军事安全磋商机制会议 the China-U.S. Military Maritime Consultative Agreement meetings


战区 theater

战区指挥官 theater commanders

开展两军战区领导通话 conduct telephone conversations between theater commanders

进一步大幅增加 a significant further increase

定期客运航班 scheduled passenger flights

促进全球增长的积极力量 a positive force to enhance global growth

脱钩断链 decoupling and delinking

进一步建立新的信任和信心 further establish new levels of trust and confidence

从改善关系和扩大联系中获益 gain from improved relations and expanded contacts

欢迎晚宴 a welcome dinner


中美关系的基础the foundation of China-U.S. relations

是由两国人民奠定的 was laid by our peoples

中美关系的大门 the door of China-U.S. relations

是由我们两国人民打开的 was opened by our peoples

中美关系的故事 the stories of China-U.S. relations

由两国人民书写的 are written by our peoples

中美关系的未来 the future of China-U.S. relations

将由两国人民共同创造 will be created by our peoples





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