抢答:“即食鸭汤”英文( )?
A. instant duck soup
B. ready-to-eat duck soup
抢答:“欠发达国家”英文( )?
A. Lacking Developed Countries
B. Least Developed Countries
进博会(CIIE) China International Import Expo
不发达国家 under-developed country
欠发达国家(LDCs) Least Developed Countries
孩子接受更好的教育 improve children's education
公众环保意识 public awareness about environmental protection
随着公众环保意识的增强 With rising public awareness about environmental protection
蜂农 bee farmer
传统土著服饰 traditional indigenous attire
自制工具 homemade tools
He illustrated for Mini V how to use his homemade tools.
风景如画的城市 picturesque city
使其柔软蓬松 making it soft and fluffy
免费展位 free booths
This organization offers VOAEC with free booths.
税收优惠政策 favorable tax policies
过去五届的进博会 Over the past five editions of the CIIE
学英语,上 VOA英语城
业内人士(专业观众) professional visitors
传统土著服饰 traditional indigenous attire
蓬勃发展的中国市场 burgeoning Chinese market
暂定交易 tentative deals
美国食品与农业展馆 the American Food and Agriculture Pavilion
跨境贸易 cross-border trade
农产品协会 agricultural product associations
农产品出口商 agricultural exporters
对全球经济造成了沉重打击 has dealt a heavy blow to the global economy
澳大利亚贸易发展局 Austrade
一个展示中国最佳产品的机会 an opportunity to showcase the best China has to offer
我们提供的优质产品 the premium products we have on offer
齐聚一堂,共同庆祝 come together for the roaring return
每月两次补充库存 replenish stock twice a month
为国内企业提供广泛的机会(offer sb. sth.)
offers domestic companies extensive opportunities
与潜在的商业伙伴建立联系 establish connections with potential business partners
与市场参与者形成互补优势 forge complementary advantages with market players
提高在全球市场上的整体竞争力 enhancing overall competitiveness in the global marketplace
全球技术和工程巨头 a global technology and engineering giant
畅通直接采购渠道 smoothening direct procurement channels
复杂多变的经济形势 the complex and changeable economic situation
在开放中寻求增长 seek growth amid opening-up
寻找新的商机 find new business opportunities
新能源业务部 new-energy business unit
全球贸易低迷 sluggish global trade
积极因素不断积累 a growing accumulation of positive factors
同比增长 increased year on year
与降幅相反 reversing from a decrease of ...
与前三季度0.8%的降幅相反 reversing from a decrease of 0.8 percent in the first three quarters
为全球市场创造巨大商机 creating enormous opportunities for the global market
助力……高质量发展 help the high-quality development of
共享中国广阔市场的无限机遇 share the unlimited opportunities in China's vast market
零激素零农药 zero hormones and zero pesticides
即食鸭汤 ready-to-eat duck soup
无抗生素农业技术 antibiotic-free farming technology
执行馆长 executive curator
国家展馆 national pavilion
无数挑战 a myriad of challenges
Mini V've been faced with a myriad of challenges.
自主研发的人工智能机械臂 a self-developed artificial intelligence (AI) robotic arm
经济支柱 economic pillar
“请大英博物馆无偿归还中国文物”口译词汇 British Museum
2023日本核废水口译词汇 Japan's nuclear wastewater
2023金砖国家扩员口译词汇 2023 BRICS expansion
2023年金砖峰会口译词汇 2023 BRICKS summit
微博 QQ 微信

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