抢答:“颁奖仪式”英文是( )?
A. victory ceremony
B. medal ceremony
C. awarding ceremony
抢答:“金牌得主”英文是( )?
A. Gold medal get host
B. Gold medalist
抢答:“历史最佳奖牌数”英文是( )?
A. History best medal number
B. best-ever medal tally
抢答:“跳高”英文是( )?
A. Jump High
B. High Jump
第19届亚运会 19th Asian Games
华东浙江省 east China's Zhejiang Province
亚洲奥林匹克理事会 The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA)
正在举行的亚运会 the ongoing Asian Games
授奖仪式 victory ceremony
颁奖仪式 awarding ceremony
颁奖仪式 medal ceremony
出席授奖仪式 attend the victory ceremony
金牌得主 Gold medalist
银牌得主 silver medalist
铜牌获得者 bronze medalist
历史最佳奖牌数 best-ever medal tally
This gold medalist is a friend of Mini V's.
中国队 Team China
泰国队 Team Thailand
印尼队 Team Indonesia
金牌得主中国队 Gold medalists Team China
银牌得主印度尼西亚队 silver medalists Team Indonesia
男子队 the Men's Team
女子队 the Women's Team
上面的国家代表队队名,Team 在前,国家在后。而男子队和女子队,则在性别后加's+Team,其中的's表所有格。
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朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜的全称) Democratic People's Republic of Korea
大韩民国(韩国的全称) Republic of Korea
阿拉伯联合酋长国 United Arab Emirates
跳高 High Jump
竞走 Race Walk
拳击比赛 boxing competition
手球女子铜牌赛 the Women's Bronze Medal Match of Handball
田径投掷决赛 Throw Final of Athletics
田径男子 800 米比赛 Men's 800m of Athletics
田径男子三级跳决赛 Men's Triple Jump Final of Athletics
田径女子跳高决赛 Women's High Jump Final of Athletics
越过终点线 crosses the finishing line
田径马拉松总决赛 Marathon Finals of Athletics
男子篮球四分之一决赛 Men's Quarterfinal of Basketball
柔道 judo
男子柔术决赛 finals of Men's Ju-jitsu
马来西亚驻上海总领事 the Consul General of Malaysia in Shanghai
马来西亚羽毛球明星 Malaysia's badminton star
无与伦比的奉献精神 unparalleled dedication
勇气 grit
有史以来规模最大的代表团 largest-ever contingent
兴奋剂案件 doping cases
长跑运动员 long-distance runner
暂时中止 provisionally suspended
非特定违禁物质 non-specified prohibited substances
有权要求进行分析 have the rights to request the analysis
亚运会亮点 Highlights of Asian Games
最佳新闻照片 the best press photos
象棋 Chinese chess
国际象棋 chess
围棋 weiqi;the game of "go"
Mini V can't beat him at Chinese chess.
拳击半决赛 Semifinal of Boxing
男子十项全能撑杆跳 the Men's Decathlon Pole Vault of Athletics
男子攀岩运动速度赛 the Men's Speed Match of Sports climbing
拳击男子 80-92 公斤级决赛 Men's 80-92Kg Final of Boxing
跳水项目男子3米跳板决赛 Men's 3m Springboard Final of Diving
男子和女子4x100米接力赛 men's and women's 4x100m relays
女子 400 米栏 the women's 400m hurdles
中国短跑运动员 Chinese sprinters
男子三级跳远冠军 men's triple jump title
队友 teammate
奄奄一息last gasp
Michael is a great teammate to Mini V.
轮滑半决赛 Semifinal of Roller Skating
轮滑预备赛 Preliminary of Roller Skating
男子直排轮自由式滑冰速度大回转 Men's Inline Freestyle Skating Speed Slalom
Women's Inline Freestyle Skating Speed Slalom Semifinal of Roller Skating
男子96公斤举重 Men's 96Kg of Weightlifting
举重男子96公斤级A组比赛 Men's 96Kg Group A match of Weightlifting
违禁物质 banned substances
赛中反兴奋剂控制 in-competition anti-doping control
个人追逐赛 Individual Pursuit Race
团体追逐赛 Team Pursuit Race
Team与Group不同的是,它强调一个有协作能力的团队,如team spirit(团队精神),team work (团队合作),teammates(队友)。
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(自行车)个人全能赛 omnium
捕捉赛(没有让步的比赛) scratch race
计时赛 Time Trial
自行车场地赛男子全能积分赛 the Cycling Track Men's Omnium-Points Race
公路自行车男子公路赛 Men's Road Race of Cycling Road
机器狗 Robot dogs
标枪搬运工 javelin porters
发电站 power stations
可拆卸模块化电站 Detachable modular power stations
女子复合射箭队 Compound Women's Team of Archery
射箭——男子复合弓团体 Compound Men's Team of Archery
the Compound Women's Team Bronze Medal Match of Archery
射箭女子复合弓团体四分之一决赛 Compound Women's Team Quarterfinal of Archery
男子龙舟 500 米总决赛 the Men's Dragon Boat 500m Grand Final
藤球比赛的预赛 Preliminary of Sepaktakraw matches
羽毛球——女子单打四分之一决赛 Women's Singles Quarterfinal of Badminton
羽毛球混合双打四分之一决赛 the Mixed Doubles Quarterfinal of Badminton
桥牌女子团体决赛 Women's Team Final of Bridge
皮划艇激流回旋男子皮划艇预赛 the Men's Kayak Heat of Canoe Slalom
举重——男子81公斤级A组比赛 Men's 81Kg Group A match of Weightlifting
摔跤——男子古典式77公斤级比赛 Men's Greco-Roman 77Kg Match of Wrestling
拳击——男子51-57公斤级半决赛Men's 51-57kg Semifinal Boxing
篮球——男子半决赛(男篮半决赛) the Basketball Men's semifinal (match)
曲棍球——男子半决赛 Men's Semifinal of Hockey
田径——男子跳高比赛 Men's High Jump of Athletics
自拍 take a selfie / take selfies
Hey, guys! Let's take a selfie.
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