中国大使 Chinese Ambassador
中方严正立场 China's solemn position
就滋扰事件提出严正交涉 lodging solemn representations of the nuisance
中国驻日本使领馆 the Chinese embassy and consulates
骚扰电话 harassing phone calls
处理此事(处理这件事) handle the matter
依法(依照法律)in accordance with law
外交使团 diplomatic missions
维护合法权益 safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests
国内外的强烈质疑和反对 strong doubts and objections at home and abroad
带来巨大风险 bringing great risks
隐患 hidden dangers
不可预知的危害 unpredictable harm
全球海洋环境 the global marine environment
人类的健康与安全 mankind's health and safety
引起强烈愤慨 arouse strong indignation
邻国 neighboring countries
严格监督 strict supervision
学英语,上 VOA英语城
大规模散布虚假信息的行动 a large-scale campaign of disseminating false information
国际舆论领域 the international public opinion sphere
转移国际视线 divert international attention
混淆视听 create confusion
提供掩护/包庇 provide cover
极其不负责任 extremely irresponsible
寻求正当理由 seek justification
处置行动 disposal actions
坚持国际正义立场 upholding a position of international justice
理性沟通 rational communication
泼脏水、倒打一耙(抹黑和反指责) mudslinging and counter-accusations
切实采取科学、安全和透明的方式 earnestly adopt a scientific, safe and transparent way
太平洋岛国 Pacific island countries
9.0级地震 a magnitude-9.0 earthquake
随之而来的海啸 an ensuing tsunami
释放辐射 release radiation
七级核事故 a level-7 nuclear accident
国际核与辐射事件分级表 the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale
反应堆大楼 the reactor buildings
第一轮排放 the first round of release
放射性废水 radioactive wastewater
政策失误 policy misstep
地理实体 geographical entities
太平洋岛屿的命脉 the lifeblood of the Pacific Islands
基础文化 underpinning cultures
副校长 vice chancellor
太平洋岛屿新闻协会 Pacific Islands News Association
直接的经济影响 the immediate economic implications
深刻的政治影响 the profound political ramifications
向太平洋岛屿示好 making strides to court the Pacific Islands
不断升级的地缘政治竞争 the escalating geopolitical rivalry
明显的矛盾 stark contradiction
更广泛的国家利益模式 broader schema of the national interests
这引发了对真实性的质疑 raises questions about the genuineness of
在信任和友情的铠甲上划出一道口子 a dent in the armor of trust and camaraderie
其影响可能会持续多年 the repercussions will likely echo for years to come.
采用各种手段转移视线,淡化自己的 "有罪 "形象 employing tactics to divert attention and dilute its own "guilty" image
转攻为守 turn offense into defense
有害的协同效应 a detrimental synergy
获得国际社会的理解和同情 garner understanding and sympathy in the international community
选择性地炒作(放大)某些信息 selectively amplifying certain information
究其根源(造成这种情况的根本原因) the root cause of such a situation
进攻性姿态 aggressive posture
挑起两国争端 sparking a dispute between the two countries
模糊是非曲直的判断 were leveraged muddling the objective assessment of the right and wrong
拼命淡化历史 aggressively downplaying its history
对历史和现实的恶意篡改(歪曲) malicious distortion of both history and reality
地缘政治的因素 geopolitical factors
国际正义及公共利益 international justice and public interests
一条心(拥有相同的心态) share the same mindset
全人类的共同任务 a common task for all mankind
已多次讲得很清楚 clearly stated multiple times
支持和纵容背后的动机 the motives behind the support and indulgence
塑料垃圾和碳排放 plastic waste and carbon emissions
卑鄙可笑 despicable and laughable
高度重视环境保护 attach great importance to environmental protection
尤为可耻 particularly despicable
无可辩驳的事实 irrefutable fact
前所未有的生态风险和危害 unprecedented ecological risks and hazards
没有罪恶感 has no sense of guilt
反应过度 excessive reaction.
双重标准 double standards
不负责任的决定 irresponsible decision
自私的政客 selfish politicians
自私的商人selfish businessmen
“请大英博物馆无偿归还中国文物”口译词汇 British Museum
2023日本核废水口译词汇 Japan's nuclear wastewater
2023金砖国家扩员口译词汇 2023 BRICS expansion
2023年金砖峰会口译词汇 2023 BRICKS summit
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