

“请大英博物馆无偿归还中国文物”口译词汇 British Museum

作者:小V(Mini V) 2023年08月28日 星期一



今天环球网在新浪微博发布的#环球时报 请大英博物馆无偿归还中国文物#博文冲上热搜榜首,截至小V编辑时,该话题显示“今日阅读7.2亿”。小V想借此机会和小伙伴们一起来学学相关的英文表达。

学英语,上 VOA英语城

大不列颠联合王国/英国 The United Kingdom

大英博物馆 British Museum

非正当渠道 improper channels

免费/无偿 free of charge

不要采取抵触、拖延和敷衍的态度 refrain from adopting a resistant, protracted and perfunctory attitude

公开承诺 public commitment

这项姗姗来迟的工作 this long overdue work


文物 cultural relics

历史文物 historical relics

归还文物 the restitution of cultural relics

文物保护 preservation of cultural relics

一级文物 grade-one cultural relic

收藏家 collector

Mini V's girlfriend is a stamp collector.
小V我(VOA英语城)的 女朋友是一位集邮爱好者。

学英语,上 VOA英语城

赝品 shoddy substitute

The vase on Mini V's desk is a shoddy substitute.

在法律和其它程序上配合推动(促进这一过程) in the legal and other procedures to facilitate the process

洗刷殖民污点 clearing the colonial stain

弥补其历史罪过 making amends for its historical sins

史前古器物(文化遗物) artifacts

莫名其妙地失踪了 inexplicably went missing

失踪文物数 missing artifacts

案件持续时间长 the long duration of the case

内部窃贼嫌疑的严重性(涉嫌监守自盗的严重性) the seriousness of the suspected internal thief

世界上最大的博物馆之一 one of the largest museums in the world

发布照片和详细描述 releasing photos and detailed descriptions

海量(大量)收藏品 vast collection

There's a vast collection of films in Mini V's library.

价值连城的古文物收藏 a priceless collection of antiques

绝大多数 the vast majority

The vast majority of fans think Mini V am a crazy man.


学英语,上 VOA英语城

相当一部分(很大一部分) a significant portion

肮脏罪恶的手段 dirty and sinful means

伤心 be heartbreaking

It's heartbreaking to see some of Mini V's fans wasting their lives like this.


在文物管理和安全防护方面的巨大漏洞 the huge loopholes in the management and security of cultural objects

一个流传很久很广的说法 a long-standing and widely circulated claim

受害国家 the victimized countries

间接削弱动力和决心 indirectly weakening the motivation and determination

文化殖民化和洗脑 cultural colonization and brainwashing

《女史箴图》 the Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies

辽三彩罗汉像 Liao tri-colored luohan statues

商周青铜器 ritual bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties

魏晋石佛经卷 stone buddhist sutra scrolls of the Wei and Jin dynasties

唐朝 Tang Dynasty

青瓷釉口盘 celadon-glazed dish

瓷盘 porcelain plate

青瓷 celadon

陶瓷制品 ceramic


极其珍贵的国宝 extremely valuable national treasures

肯定被洗劫或盗窃 were certainly looted or stolen

合法、诚实地获得 be acquired legally and honestly

祖国 mother country

血腥、丑陋、可耻的殖民历史 a bloody, ugly, and shameful colonial history

道德优越感 a sense of moral superiority

强烈的道德优越感 a strong sense of moral superiority over others

站在道德制高点 standing on the moral high ground

Don't judge Mini V by standing on the moral high ground.

干涉别国内政 interfere in the internal affairs of other countries

偿还自己的历史债务 pay back its own historical debts

主动与各国联系洽谈 take the initiative to contact and discuss with other countries

学英语,上 VOA英语城

遭受殖民主义的侵害 suffered from its colonial infringement

历史赃物 historical loot

不光彩的印象 a very unflattering impression

She whispers to him that this kind of behaviour will leave a very unflattering impression on Mini V.

虚伪可笑 hypocritical and ridiculous

遵守国际道义,履行国际责任 obey international morality and fulfill international responsibility

历史的缩影 a microcosm of the history

文化财产 cultural properties

文物的失踪 the disappearance of cultural relics

非物质文化遗产 the intangible cultural heritage

历史遗迹、遗址 historical site

成为废墟、遭到严重破坏 in ruins

世界文化遗产基金会 World Monuments Fund

国家文物局 State Administration of Cultural Heritage

文化部 Ministry of Culture

故宫博物院 Palace Museum

迄今为止 event to date

在我们看来 in our view

来历不明 the questionable origins

数以百万计的文物 the millions of artifacts

引发了进一步的担忧 raise further concerns about

雕塑的回归 the return of sculptures

英国政治家/英国政客 British politicians

明目张胆的机会主义(公然的机会主义) blatant opportunism

帝国主义和殖民主义 imperialism and colonialism

固执和逃避行为 stubborn and evasive behavior

损害形象和声誉 at the expense of the image and reputation

面对这个问题 facing this issue


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