

2023日本核废水口译词汇 Japan's nuclear wastewater

作者:小V(Mini V) 2023年08月27日 星期日



东京电力公司 Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)

东京电力公司总部 the TEPCO headquarters

氚 tritium

核电站 nuclear power plant

核污染废水 nuclear-contaminated wastewater

日本的核废水倾倒 Japan's nuke wastewater dumping

威胁人类健康和全球生态系统 threatens human health and global ecosystem

受污染的食品 contaminated food

亿万人民(数以百万计的人) millions and millions of people

Mini V thought this project would benefit millions and millions of people.

核污染水的排放 discharging of nuclear-contaminated water

构成长期威胁 pose long-term threats

人类健康与海洋环境 human health and the marine environment

人权委员会 human rights commission

清洁健康的环境 a clean and healthy environment

基本人权 fundamental human rights

履行其宪法义务 uphold its constitutional obligations

保护该国所有人的权利 protect the rights of all persons in the country.

今世后代的利益 the benefit of present and future generations

通过立法和其他措施 through legislative and other measure

联合国大会 The UN General Assembly

健康、清洁和可持续的环境 a healthy, clean and sustainable environment

(造成重大伤亡的)大地震 massive earthquake

海啸 tsunami(复数:tsunamis)

学英语,上 VOA英语城

福岛核电站 the Fukushima nuclear power plant

堆芯熔化(核心熔化) core meltdowns

被放射性物质污染的水 water tainted with radioactive substances

福岛第一核电站 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

国内外 both home and abroad

提起诉讼(打官司) file a lawsuit

价格暴跌了一半以上 price plunged by more than half

海产品批发市场 wholesale marine products markets

Mini V just came back from the wholesale marine products market.

商业萧条 business slack

西南沿海县 southwest coastal county

日本首相 Japanese Prime Minister

韩国总理 South Korean Prime Minister

反人类的罪行 committing crimes against humanity

给全世界的人类带来灾难 bring catastrophe to all humankind around the world

向海洋倾倒放射性废水 dump radioactive wastewater into the ocean

安全无问题 safe and unproblematic

太平洋 the Pacific Ocean provocation against humanity

对人类的挑衅 provocation against humanity

宣战 declaration of war

一个半小时的集会 one-and-a-half-hour rally

总统府(总统办公室) presidential office

大地震和随之而来的海啸 a massive earthquake and an ensuing tsunami

将受核污染的废水排放到海中 release nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea

以自我为中心和不负责任的方法 self-centric and irresponsible approach

海上安全 maritime security

区域安全风险 regional security risk

适当地协商、合作和协调 properly consulted, cooperated, and coordinated

对环境产生重大影响 significantly impact the environment

与健康有关的后果 health-related consequences

渔业(渔业) the fishing industry

更具争议性 far more controversial

日本的公众形象 Japanese public image

太平洋生态系统 the Pacific ecological system

中国外交部(新闻)发言人 Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson

坚决反对并强烈谴责 firmly opposes and strongly condemns

辐射污染的风险 the risk of radiation contamination

整个国际社会 the entire global community

当地人的生计 the livelihood of locals

使全球海洋生态系统处于严重危险之中 puts the global marine ecosystem in severe danger

福岛县 Fukushima Prefecture

鲁莽的举动(不计后果的行动) reckless move

漠视公众关切 disregarding public concerns

引发了愤怒的浪潮(引发了一波又一波的愤怒) sparked waves of anger

渔民和企业主 the fishermen and business owners

格林尼治标准时间 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

担忧和反对依然存在 concerns and opposition persisted

当地居民和渔民 local residents and fishermen

邻国和太平洋岛国 neighboring countries and Pacific island nations

水产品 fishery products

严格遵守进口限制(严把进口关) strictly maintain import restrictions

放宽或取消进口限制 an easing or lifting of import restrictions

核污染废水的排放将持续30年 the nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge will continue for the next 30 years

日本大使馆 the Japanese embassy

市民及环保团体 civic and environmental groups

重大灾难 major catastrophe

放射性物质 radioactive substances

人为次生灾害 man-made secondary disaster

为一己私利服务serve selfish interests

保护人民的生命和健康 protect the lives and health of the people

日本总领事馆 the Consulate-General of Japan

总理(首相)新闻秘书处the Prime Minister's Press Secretariat

核处理水 nuclear-treated water

发表了强有力的声明 delivered a strong statement

强有力的行动 robust actions

国内的强烈抗议 domestic outcry

全国各地 all across the country

举着横幅和标语牌 holding banners and placards

放射性海怪 radioactive sea monster

高呼口号 chanted slogan

先进的液体处理系统 the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS)

造成重大环境破坏 cause significant environmental damage

世界顶级核事故 the world's top-level nuclear accidents

传播有害物质 spread harmful substances

侵犯人们稳定生活的权利 infringe upon people's right to a stable life

温泉旅馆 a hot spring hotel

Mini V took a room at the hot spring hotel for two nights.


 2023金砖国家扩员口译词汇 2023 BRICS expansion

 2023年金砖峰会口译词汇 2023 BRICKS summit









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