金砖国家扩员 BRICS expansion
新的起点 a new starting point
第 15 届金砖国家首脑会议 the 15th BRICS Summit
新金砖六国:阿根廷、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、伊朗、沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates
全球发展倡议 Global Development Initiative (GDI)
与发展中国家团结合作 unite and cooperate with other developing countries
符合国际社会的期望 meets the expectations of the international community
The girl with talent and good looks meets the expectations of Mini's parents.
符合新兴市场国家和发展中国家的共同利益 serves the common interests of emerging markets and developing countries
This proposal serves the common interests of Mini V's enterprise and employees.
为金砖国家合作机制注入新的活力 inject fresh vitality into the BRICS cooperation mechanism
进一步增强世界和平与发展的力量 further strengthen the forces for world peace and development
具有重要影响 hold important influence
肩负着重要责任shoulder crucial responsibilities
深入讨论 in-depth discussions
当前的国际形势 the current international situation
广泛共识 broad consensus
硕果累累 fruitful results
团结与合作 solidarity and cooperation
中非领导人对话 the China-Africa Leaders' Dialogue
主旨演讲keynote speech
制造业 manufacturing sector
实现工业化 realizing industrialization
经济多元化 economic diversification
中非合作 China-Africa Cooperation
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“一带一路”合作 Belt and Road cooperation
全球发展倡议 the Global Development Initiative
引导更多援助资源 channel more resources of assistance
支持非洲农业现代化 Supporting Africa's Agricultural Modernization
扩大粮食种植 expand grain plantation
粮食自给自足 food self-sufficiency
独立可持续发展 independent sustainable development
保障粮食安全 safeguard food security
中非农业合作论坛 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Agriculture
额外紧急食品援助 additional emergency food assistance
粮食危机 food crisis
中非人才培养合作 China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development
高素质教师 high-caliber teachers
高素质干部队伍 high-caliber officials
高素质人才 high-caliber talent
高层次人才 high-caliber personnel
高素质劳动大军 high-caliber workforce
高素质队伍 high-caliber team
真诚原则 the principle of sincerity
友好和诚信 amity and good faith
一直恪守这一原则 has stayed committed to this principle
全面实现中华民族伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts
全力以赴 making all-out efforts
建设一个和平、团结、繁荣和强大的新非洲 build a new Africa that enjoys peace, unity, prosperity and strength
各自的发展愿景 respective development visions
促进公正和公平的国际秩序 promoting just and equitable international order
实践真正的多边主义 practising true multilateralism
坚决反对一切形式的殖民主义和霸权主义残余 unequivocally opposing vestiges of colonialism and hegemonism in all forms
维护世界和平与稳定 safeguard world peace and stability
落实共同、全面、合作、可持续安全新理念 implement the new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security
倡导通过对话与合作解决分歧和争端 advocate the resolution of differences and disputes through dialogue and cooperation
推动政治解决facilitate the political settlement
国际和地区热点问题 international and regional hotspot issues
维护世界和平与稳定 safeguard world peace and stability
构建开放包容的世界经济 build an open and inclusive world economy
倡导建设开放型世界经济 advocating for the building of an open world economy
国际分工(国际劳动分工) the international division of labor
共享经济全球化成果 share the fruits of economic globalization
通过交流克服文明隔阂(通过交流消除不同文明之间的隔阂) overcome estrangement between civilizations through exchanges
促进文明包容互鉴(促进不同文明之间的包容和相互学习) promote inclusiveness and mutual learning between civilizations
通过融合推进现代化advancing modernization through integration
拥有最大发言权 have the most say on
发展战略的协同作用 the synergy of development strategies
用一个声音说话 speaking with one voice
不断提高其国际地位 keep improving its international standing
联合国安理会 UN Security Council
携手同行 迈向发展共同体 Hand in Hand Toward a Community of Shared Development
金砖国家-非洲外联和“金砖+”对话 the BRICS-Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue
联合国可持续发展目标 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
全球发展(努力)面临严峻挑战 the global development endeavor faces formidable challenges
实现更好的发展 realizing better development
建立全球发展伙伴关系 forge a global development partnership
为共同发展营造安全稳定的国际环境 create a secure and stable international environment for shared development
推动实施 lending impetus to the implementation
首次全球发展高层对话 the first High-Level Dialogue on Global Development
分配了更多资源 allocated more resources
全球发展和南南合作基金 Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund
中国是非洲可以信赖的朋友 China is a friend that Africa can count on
Mini V is a friend that you can count on.
卫星测绘数据产品 satellite mapping data products
智能海关合作伙伴关 Smart Customs cooperation partnership
联合国秘书长 UN Secretary-General
合影(集体照)group photo
大道不孤,众行致远(正义的事业会得到大力的支持,结伴同行方能走得更远) A just cause finds great support, and a journey with many companions gets far.
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标志着一个历史性的里程碑marks a historical milestone
金砖国家合作的势头 the momentum of BRICS cooperation
全球南方团结一致 the solidarity of the Global South
供应链、物流链、农业和粮食安全、货币结算supply chains, logistics chains, agriculture and food security, currency settlement
跨境支付,以及疫苗研究和公共卫生cross-border payment, as well as vaccine research and public health
国际旅客列车 cross-border passenger train
跨境贸易人民币结算 cross-border yuan trade settlement
跨国铁路服务 cross-border railway services
跨境电商 cross-border e-commerce
跨境家庭 cross-border family
跨境投资 cross-border investment
跨境交易 cross-border transaction
追求公平正义 the pursuit of fairness and justice
抵抗外界干扰 resisting external interference
总是提倡 invariably advocated
独立自主的外交政策 independent foreign policies
说公道话、办公道事 making fair remarks and taking righteous actions
外部压力 external pressure
屈服于外部压力,或充当他人的附庸 succumb to external pressure, or act as vassals of others
跟随他们的脚步 follow their footsteps
新兴市场和发展中国家 emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs)
全球格局 global landscape
更加公正和公平的方向 a more just and equitable direction
同步迈向现代化 march in tandem toward modernization
弘扬开放包容、合作共赢的金砖精神 act on the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation
重大国际和地区问题 major international and regional issues
以世贸组织为中心的多边贸易体系 the WTO-centered multilateral trading system
以联合国为中心的国际体系 the UN-centered international system
国际金融和货币体系 international financial and monetary systems
地缘政治竞争的工具 instruments of geopolitical contestation
世界多极化秩序 multipolar world order
维护他们的霸权 assert their hegemony
任何形式的霸权,排他性 any kind of hegemony, exclusivity
加强经济合作 strengthening economic cooperation
供应链多元化 supply chain diversification
去美元化 de-dollarization
相互结算中向本国货币过渡 transition to national currencies in mutual settlements
加强合作的重要性 the importance of enhancing cooperation
符合全球大多数(国家)的愿望 meets the aspirations of the global majority
2023年金砖峰会口译词汇 2023 BRICKS summi
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