南非 South Africa
第15届金砖峰会 the 15th BRICS Summit
约翰内斯堡 Johannesburg
金砖五国:巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非 Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development, and Inclusive Multilateralism
上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
新兴市场 emerging markets
发展中国家 developing countries
金砖国家合作机制 the BRICS cooperation mechanism
多边机制 multilateral mechanisms
烈火见真金 True gold can stand the test of fire
乘风破浪 Riding the wind and cleaving the waves
合作共赢 win-win cooperation
站在历史的十字路口 standing at the crossroads of history
充满威胁和挑战 intertwined with threats and challenges
更加全面、紧密、务实、包容的高质量伙伴关系 a more comprehensive, close, practical and inclusive high-quality partnership
金砖国家新开发银行 New Development Bank
金砖国家应急储备安排 BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement
自治区 Autonomous Region
金砖国家机制 BRICS mechanism
首席财务官——CFO chief financial officer
新开发银行 New Development Bank (NDB)
副总裁 vice president
The girl in Mini V's office is a senior vice president.
更紧密的人文联系(民心相通) closer people-to-people ties
孔子学院 Confucius Institute
中国和南非友谊 China-South Africa friendship
促进友好合作 promoting friendly cooperation
教育与文化交流 educational and cultural exchanges
民心相通是国与国关系健康的关键 amity between the people holds the key to sound state-to-state relations
使金砖国家合作充满活力 keep BRICS cooperation vibrant
中俄大学 Sino-Russian university
众多互动 numerous interactions
积极参与,大力推广 active participation and vigorous promotion
政治和安全合作、经济和金融合作 political and security cooperation, economic and financial cooperation
冷战思维 Cold War mentality
强权政治 power politics
人文交流 cultural and people-to-people exchanges
更紧密的人与人之间的联系 closer people-to-people bonds
丰富多彩的活动 a wide range of activities
维护世界和平与安宁 safeguard world peace and tranquility
金砖国家媒体论坛 the BRICS media forums
电影节 film festivals
文化节 cultural festivals
学英语,上 VOA英语城
妇女创新竞赛 women's innovation contests
技术和职业教育计划 technical and vocational education programs
跨区域、跨文化交流 cross-regional and cross-cultural exchanges
山海相隔 separated by mountains and oceans
My girlfriend and Mini V are separated by mountains and oceans.
跨越四个大洲 sitting on four continents
包容互鉴 fostering inclusiveness and mutual learning
不同文明 different civilizations
促进世界经济增长 boost world economic growth
改善全球治理 improve global governance
推动更大程度的民主 promote greater democracy
国事访问 state visit
南非同行 South African counterpart
加强伙伴关系 strengthen partnership
该国的行政首都 the country's administrative capital
蓬勃发展的中国和南非关系 the blossoming China-South Africa relationship
前景广阔,前途无量(广阔的前景和充满希望的未来) broad prospects and a promising future
我们的文化和习俗各不相同 our culture and customs vary from one another
高度互信 high-level mutual trust
友情和兄弟情谊 camaraderie and brotherhood
拥有共同目标和愿景的人 people with shared goals and visions
在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切的问题上 issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns
互利共赢 mutual benefit and win-win results
巩固优势领域合作,培育合作新增长点 consolidating cooperation in areas of strength and fostering new growth points for cooperation
跨越式发展 leapfrog development
全面战略伙伴关系 a comprehensive strategic partnership
丰富的商业机会 abundant business opportunities
开放和包容 openness and inclusiveness
奋勇向前 forge ahead
She's accompanying Mini V to forge ahead.
凝聚力量 pool strength
共同繁荣 common prosperity
让我们团结一致,齐心协力,砥砺前行 Let us stay united, pool strength and forge ahead
坚持开放包容 remain committed to openness and inclusiveness
营商环境 business environment
“一带一路”倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
一带一路合作 the Belt and Road cooperation
越来越受欢迎 gain increasing popularity
经济重建和复苏计划框架 the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan frameworks
农产品加工企业 agro-processing enterprises
扩大进口 expand imports
扶贫示范村项目 the poverty reduction demonstration village project
深厚的相互理解和善意 deep mutual understanding and goodwill
急需人才 talents urgently needed
Mini V is a talent urgently needed for his company.
直航 direct flights
Mini V took a direct flight back home.
加强对世界和平与稳定的关注 enhance concerns global peace and stability
不断增加的不确定性和加速的变化 rising uncertainties and accelerating changes
国际和地区事务 international and regional affairs
维护发展中国家的共同利益和发展空间 safeguard the common interests and development space of developing countries
命运共同体 a community with a shared future
正在经历着变革和动荡 undergoing transformation and turbulence
更强的团结与合作 stronger solidarity and cooperation
非洲联盟 African Union (AU)
民族独立和解放 national independence and liberation
坚持一个中国原则 adhered to the one-China principle
建交(建立外交关系) the establishment of diplomatic ties;establish diplomatic relations
相同或相似的立场 the same or similar positions
多重严峻复杂的挑战 multiple severe and complex challenges
跨国公司 multinational corporation
微博 QQ 微信

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