“冬至”英文怎么说?“冬至”不是“Winter arrive”!
作者:小V(Mini V) 2022年12月22日 星期四
文稿来源:VOAEC.COM 原创
Today is the 22nd solar term on the Chinese lunar calendar. The Winter Solstice marks the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest period of night of the year in Northern Hemisphere, vice versa, the longest period of daylight and shortest period of night in Southern Hemisphere. It usually happens on December 21 or 22 in Northern Hemisphere, as the sun is directly above the Tropic of Capricorn.
The Winter Solstice is celebrated in cultures and religions around the world with various traditions. It is also known as Dongzhi in Chinese. It’s getting colder and colder from this day on. It is a traditional custom to eat Chinese Ravioli (also called Chinese dumpling, or Jiaozi) in north China during the day. It is said that eating dumplings is a way of in honour of Zhang Zhongjing. There’s an old saying that your ears will be froze if you don’t have dumplings on this day.
In Japan, it is customary to eat pumpkin dishes and pray for good health on Winter Solstice. People hold hands as Sun rises at ancient site in Donore, Ireland on Wednesday, December 21. Tourists gathered together to watch the winter solstice sunrise at Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt.
Happy Winter Solstice to you, wherever you are in the world!
立春:Beginning of Spring;Spring begins,
雨水:Rain Water;
惊蛰:Insects Awaken,Awakening of Insects,Waking of Insects,
春分:Spring Equinox;Vernal Equinox,
清明:Clear and Bright;Fresh Green,Pure Brightness,
谷雨:Grain Rain;
立夏:Beginning of Summer;Summer begins,
小满:Grain buds,Grain Full;Lesser Fullness,
芒种:Grain in Ear;
夏至:Summer Solstice;
小暑:Slight Heat; Lesser Heat,
大暑:Great Heat; Heavy Heat,
立秋:Beginning of Autumn;Autumn begins,
处暑:End of Heat,Limit of Heat;Stopping the Heat,
白露:White Dew;
秋分:Autumnal Equinox;
寒露:Cold Dew;
霜降:First Frost, Frost’s Descent; Hoar-frost Falls,
立冬:Beginning of Winter;Winter begins,
小雪:Slight Snow;Light Snow,
大雪:Great Snow;Heavy Snow,
冬至:Winter Solstice;
小寒:Slight Cold;Lesser Cold,
大寒:Great Cold;Greater Cold
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